Problems caused by nuisance wildlife
Wild animals are beautiful, but the visual appeal of these creatures quickly fades once we realize how destructive they can be. There are many problems caused by nuisance wildlife, and some can end up costing thousands of dollars in repair work; can seriously harm...
How to trap wild animals
Before any attempt to trap wild animals, call your local wildlife authorities to ensure you have the proper certifications, licenses, or qualifications to undertake the task. Many local and state governments do not allow homeowners to trap animals without prior...
How to trap raccoons
There are several different trapping methods for raccoons, but it is important to know the local laws in your state before you attempt this process. Many local governments require anyone who traps a raccoon to have a license or equivalent form of permission, sometimes...
How to remove wild animal in the attic
How to remove wild animal in the attic Attics are prime locations for wild animals to seek shelter, especially in homes that have fallen into disrepair and likely have holes around roofs and eaves. An attic is the next step up from a hollow tree to most nuisance...
How to remove squirrel in the attic
A handful of animals are comfortable living in the attics of homes, but the number one nuisance animal seen in this situation is the squirrel. Because squirrels are so agile and have an unparalleled climbing ability, they can easily climb to the roofs of homes, even...
How to remove raccoon in the attic
There are two places in a home raccoons like to make their den areas: chimneys and attics. Attics offer space for a raccoon to move around in without human interaction, and they also provide a warm, dry place where other animals and predators can't approach. The more...
How to remove a wild animal inside your house
Nuisance wildlife often want to live inside a home, but it's an entirely different scenario when an animal accidently gets inside and simply can't get out. These animals are usually terrified, and because they are terrified, they can behave in unpredictable ways....
How to remove a wild animal in the chimney
Chimneys are, aside from attics, the ideal location for a wild animal to take shelter. Chimneys are warm and provide a quick exit to the outside when the chimney cap is damaged. While it might seem difficult for a wild animal to build a nest in a straight shaft, what...
How to kill wild animals
In the ideal situation, a wild animal is killed after it is removed from a property, through a humane euthanasia performed by a wildlife or veterinary professional. Not every situation can be ideal, however, and sometimes homeowners take it upon themselves to use...
How to kill squirrels
Where there are trees, there are usually squirrels, and this is true throughout the majority of North America. The squirrel is a smart, agile, opportunistic animal, making it difficult to keep away from human properties. Few fences can keep a squirrel out, and they...
How to kill raccoons
When it comes to nuisance wildlife, there are very few situations where killing is the easiest or ideal solution. This is true even when dealing with raccoons. Many times, cleaning up a property and trapping/removal are more than enough to handle a raccoon issue, and...
How to keep wild animals away
If you live in a rural setting, there will always be a risk for you to encounter wildlife around your home. With the proper prevention methods, however, those situations can be few and far between, and the chances of an animal staying will be minimal. As a homeowner,...