Do wild animals make good pets?

Do wild animals make good pets?

No. Wild animals do not make good pets. Sure, there are the adorable stories on social media about the guy who rescued a baby raccoon and gained an amazing and mischievous friend/pet, but the reality is wild animals belong out in the wild for a number of reasons. Do...
Can wild animals harm your pets?

Can wild animals harm your pets?

Nuisance animals around and inside of our homes can be annoying and destructive, but we usually aren’t too worried they are going to sneak up on us in the middle of the night. As a general rule, animals in your home are looking for safety, food and quiet, and...
Animals eating garden or landscape

Animals eating garden or landscape

Let’s face it, a lot of the lovely plants we buy to spice up the areas around our home have a different kind of appeal to wild animals. To Mother Nature’s furry friends, decorative plants, even just a well-kept lawn in general, can be a tempting source of...
Animal digging in yard or next to house

Animal digging in yard or next to house

It’s one thing if animals want to invade your yard and eat your plants; you can always replace plants if you have to. It’s an entirely different thing if an animal invades with the intent to dig holes in the yard or next to the house. There’s already something...