How to remove a wild animal inside your house

How to remove a wild animal inside your house

Nuisance wildlife often want to live inside a home, but it’s an entirely different scenario when an animal accidently gets inside and simply can’t get out. These animals are usually terrified, and because they are terrified, they can behave in...
How to remove a wild animal in the chimney

How to remove a wild animal in the chimney

Chimneys are, aside from attics, the ideal location for a wild animal to take shelter. Chimneys are warm and provide a quick exit to the outside when the chimney cap is damaged. While it might seem difficult for a wild animal to build a nest in a straight shaft, what...
How to kill wild animals

How to kill wild animals

In the ideal situation, a wild animal is killed after it is removed from a property, through a humane euthanasia performed by a wildlife or veterinary professional. Not every situation can be ideal, however, and sometimes homeowners take it upon themselves to use...
How to keep wild animals away

How to keep wild animals away

If you live in a rural setting, there will always be a risk for you to encounter wildlife around your home. With the proper prevention methods, however, those situations can be few and far between, and the chances of an animal staying will be minimal. As a homeowner,...
How to get rid of raccoons

How to get rid of raccoons

Raccoons are smart, agile creatures, and it’s not uncommon for them to find a way into attics, crawlspaces and chimneys of homes. There are five steps to get rid of raccoons, and these are: 1. Identify the areas of the home being used as entry and exit points 2....
How to get rid of nuisance wild animals

How to get rid of nuisance wild animals

Every nuisance animal problem is unique, but there are a handful of steps that should be taken when addressing these situations. 1. Inspect the home and property for entry points 2. Clean up debris/manage landscaping 3. Select the appropriate trapping/removal method...